Remote Learning Offer
Following research from the Education Endowment Fund and government guidance, we have designed a remote learning offer that we feel works for our community of learners and teachers.
Learning will consist of a mixture of face-to-face sessions, video lessons and independent tasks and will take into account the age and ability of each learner in order to best offer relevant and purposeful tasks and activities.
We use a range of quality resources approved by the DFE in order to plan and implement daily learning that parents and children can take part in together.
Daily Expectations
Below is a brief example of the content you will find in daily learning being offered. Provision differs greatly between the younger and older children; with more emphasis on formal and independent learning as the children get older. A range of activities is always offered to ensure children are not always needing to use a device.
Worksheets are not offered, any learning is designed to be completed in provided books or on paper. Learning tasks do not require many resources.
Daily learning sent via Dojo or by 9:00 am every morning. The format will be kept simple and consistent with written and video instructions.
3-4 hours KS1
4-5 hours KS2
A day’s learning may look as follows:
- Brief Weekly overview of learning will be sent out by 9:00 am Monday morning.
- Zoom check-in every morning to get children engaged with learning (Year 1 to 6).
- Reception children will take part in daily Zoom reading sessions.
- Daily Reading challenge.
- SPAG/Phonics.
- Writing: video lesson and written task.
- Core skills practice.
- Video lesson and task using materials from the White Rose Maths Hub.
- Times Tables Rockstars challenges.
Wider Curriculum
A mixture of sessions that would constitute normal school learning with range of subject content. These will include explanation videos and independent tasks. The curriculum content will include a mixture of Science, History, Geography, Art, DT, RE, PSHE and PE
Each day will incorporate brain breaks, snack time and some movement activities.
Reception Learners
Provision for Reception aged children will differ greatly, with more emphasis on exploratory learning and core skills. Daily learning is offered and activities and ideas for learning through children’s interests are constantly communicated through the IDL.
Class Portfolio and Feedback
Encourage children to share photos of their learning using class Portfolio. Teachers will respond to work when needed.
Class Teachers will offer specific feedback to one piece of writing and maths per child. This may include ways to improve, next steps or a challenge question.
All children will be expected to share examples of work from the breadth of curriculum offered in order to monitor their engagement in learning.
Whole School Challenges
Subject Leaders and SLT will offer weekly challenges to further enhance provision:
English, Maths, Well-being and Mindfulness, Science, Art, PE and Forest School challenges will be set weekly.
Links will be sent through Class Dojo and ILD.
Work is differentiated to ensure support and challenge for all children. You will receive any differentiated work directly through Class Dojo messaging. Keep in conversation with the class teacher to ensure your child is being challenged/supported enough at home.
Children on the SEND register will still receive any provision remotely, either through differentiated learning or face-to-face Zoom intervention sessions. These will be communicated and continually monitored by the class teacher and SENDCo.
Learning Packs
For families who are not able to access online learning, Learning Packs are compiled by class teachers weekly that will include the range of learning offered online. Packs can be collected from the school by contacting the school office.